I suggest checking out Erlang messaging, as it's the basis for this design. 
Maybe then things will be a bit clearer. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 21, 2012, at 6:34 AM, Manu <turkey...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 20 January 2012 20:06, Sean Kelly <s...@invisibleduck.org> wrote:
> On Jan 20, 2012, at 5:10 AM, Manu wrote:
> >
> > I had some troubles with std.concurrency which I thought it might be nice 
> > to address.
> >
> > Perhaps the most major problem I had was related to the concept of thread 
> > ownership. If a spawned threads parent thread dies, it also receives a 
> > signal to kill its self, but it seems impossible to reassign ownership.
> > In my case I had threads A, B and C...
> >   Thread A is the main thread, which may spawn many temporary worker 
> > threads B, which may last 1-2 seconds.
> >   During the life of B, it may spawn C, which may persist for hours.
> >   B promptly dies, and any C's that were spawned receive the kill signal, 
> > which I ignore.
> >   Thread A, the main thread may exit, and I would really like all C's to 
> > receive that notification, but they were are all orphaned when their B died.
> > The problem is, when I spawn a C, it should be created as a child of A 
> > somehow, rather than a child of the transient B... Some mechanism to solve 
> > this sort of problem would be useful.
> Erlang has functions to link and unlink threads from one another, and I've 
> already implemented a bit of it in std.concurrency.  A fuller implementation 
> would probably be sufficient for your needs.
> > Another usability problem I had was that, intuitively, the simpler function 
> > with intuitive usage pattern receiveOnly() should be named receive().
> > And receive() with the complex var-arg list of delegates should be named 
> > something more complex.
> Matter of opinion.  I think receiveOnly indicates what the function does, and 
> I think it's important to indicate that receiving anything else is unexpected 
> and will trigger an error.
> Well I'm just saying as a new comer what I consider to be intuitive or not 
> with respect to what I've used in other languages (in my case, C/C++, C#, 
> java, php, ecma, etc)... I've never seen an api like receive() in any 
> language before. It definitely is a D-ish API, and wouldn't be expected by 
> most users.
> I also think most instances of passing messages between 2 threads will have a 
> tight well-defined expectation of send/receive types. receiveOnly() seems far 
> more intuitive to me, and simpler to achieve 90(100?)% of my jobs.
> Eg, I press '.' and the list of methods appears, and I skim through the list 
> and choose the one that looks appropriate, I'll choose receive, and then I'll 
> be puzzled by the argument list and why it doesn't work like I expect, after 
> a little wasted time, I may begrudgingly read the manual... I personally feel 
> this is an API failure, and the single most important thing that C# gets 
> right. You can literally code C# effectively with absolutely no prior 
> knowledge of the language just using the '.' key with code-complete in your 
> IDE. The API's are really exceptionally intuitive.
> > receiveTimeout() has no receiveTimeoutOnly(), which is the function I 
> > almost always want to use... and receiveTimeout() didn't actually work for 
> > me anyway (it wouldn't receive a duration as per the documentation, I had 
> > to pass an int)
> I think this is an artifact of the syntax.  There's no way to have a return 
> value that indicates a timeout occurred.  If receiving a duration (ie. a 
> non-reference type) doesn't work then I'd consider that a bug.
> Syntax or otherwise, it's kinda broken. receiveOnlyTimeout() is a very 
> important function for my money. I think many usages will not want to block 
> indefinitely.
> Actually, on that note, I really wanted a poll() function. I never want to 
> block for messages, just grab one if there is one waiting in the queue. 
> receiveTimeout(0) seems to be the only way to do it... Again, not 
> particularly nice or intuitive.
> Consider the Win32 message loop: PeekMessage/GetMessage/WaitMessage.. I think 
> they're all good to have.
> > I wonder if there is a solution to the 'shared' problem. Basically every 
> > single line of code that uses the std.concurrenty api is riddled with casts 
> > to/from shared... really ugly.
> I think Unique!T should work for the sending side, and then the receive side 
> wouldn't have to receive shared(T).  It's something that's been on the radar, 
> but I haven't done anything about it yet.
> Cool, I'll be interested to see what nice solutions for this could exist.

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