> Points:
> 1) that 2nd formatting still includes whitespace that would
> be illegal 
> (e.g. every place but between 'void' and 'print' and in the
> strings 
> litereals).
> 2) The *point* is to turn code into an unreadable mash on a
> single line.
> 3) The entire proposal is satire.

 Ahh, i had the impression from the list that all whitespace tokens were 
referring to a single statement line, not as a whole.

 Guess the only way to make it so spaces (1 or more) were whitespace, would be 
if we still use a fixed 80character width screen for our editors, then leftover 
whitespace becomes formatting. But it seems sufficiently stupid to do that, 
filesize being the largest part.

I know all of C appeared in it's formatting, to allow you to drop all 
whitespace (with minor exceptions) into a single line, which is why /**/ 
comments were used and c++'s // ones were added later. Although fun to do a 
whole lot on a single line, i don't know if i would want to.

/*C code following the follow proposal; tested and works. Not bad for 165 
characters of pure code.*/ isprime(int n){int cnt=2;if(n<2)return 
0;for(;cnt<n;cnt++)if((n%cnt)==0)return 0;return 1;} main(){int 
cnt=2;for(;cnt<100;cnt++)if (isprime(cnt))printf("%d ", cnt);}

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