On 2012-01-23 14:15, Gour wrote:
On Sun, 22 Jan 2012 22:03:08 +0400
Denis Shelomovskij<verylonglogin....@gmail.com>  wrote:

I'm finishing a fast (I just don't see a faster way) and garbage-free
CTFE-capable wrapper. But it requires IDL to be written for every C

I'm curious if you have read the following paper:


describing C2Hs tool used to provide bindings for C libraries for

 From the abstract: "The tool obtains information about the C data type
definitions and function signatures by analysing the C header files of
the library. It uses this information to compute the missing details in
the template of a Haskell module that implements a Haskell binding to
the C library. Hooks embedded in the binding file signal where, which,
and how C objects are accessed from Haskell. The Haskell code in the
binding file determines Haskell type signatures and marshaling details.
The approach is lightweight and does not require an extra interface
description language."

I think the best idea is to create a tool that generates bindings using Clang. That's also what I'm slowly working on.

/Jacob Carlborg

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