On Wed, 25 Jan 2012 02:27:24 +0400
Denis Shelomovskij <verylonglogin....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Anyway, looks like that isn't the problem I'm trying to solve. I
> don't accenting on parsing C code (it's done in Function.__ctor and
> is obvious). The problem is to generate fast wrapper when we already
> know full function signature. 

OK. C2Hs wants to solve problem of writing bindings for C libraries by
avoiding to learn some new IDL and provide all the tools in hosted
langauge (Haskell) by offering some hooks to tailor higher-level API for
bindings taking advantage of hosted language (e.g. GC instead of doing
manual memory allocation).

I also believe that just wrapping C library and using C API is not
enough if we want to take advantage of e.g. SafeD's features.


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