On Mon, 23 Jan 2012 17:57:16 -0800, Brad Anderson <e...@gnuk.net> wrote:

Recently there has been explosion in bug closures.  This has had the
unfortunate side effect of making it difficult to have a conversation in #d
IRC with the bot constantly announcing these changes.  I humbly request
that those responsible slow down this behavior to a more tolerable level so
we can talk uninterrupted in the #d IRC channel.  I hate to call out
someone by name but Walter in particular has been completely out of line
with the volume of notifications he's been generating recently.

I understand some people like bug closures and who am I to judge but there
is a limit to what some of us can tolerate and it has been surpassed.

I'm sorry it had to come to this.

Brad Anderson

I for one very much like the work that Walter is doing and do not want him to slow down. Cleaning out the accumulated crap can ONLY be a good thing. I'd say the IRC channel can deal. :-)

Adam Wilson
Project Coordinator
The Horizon Project

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