On 1/24/12 5:37 AM, Don Clugston wrote:
On 20/01/12 01:25, Trass3r wrote:
Could we please have at least a warning if code isn't compatible with
It's really annoying to test out some code and having to fix a bunch of
stupid uint->size_t bugs just because the author is still on a 32 bit

Is that feasible?

IMHO the ideal solution would be:
- treat size_t as a magical type (not a simple alias).
- allow size_t -> uint if you are in a machine-specific version
statement that implies 32 bits (eg, version(D_InlineAsm_X86),
version(Win32), version(X86)).
- allow size_t -> ulong if you are in a version statement that implies
64 bits.
- Otherwise, disallow implicit casts.

Incidentally this was a motivation for the 'one-definition rule' that I
proposed for version statements: it means the compiler can easily
identify which versions imply machine-specific.

I think the ODR for version is right on the money. FWIW I also think the strategy you sketch would work (it's similar to gcc's), but I'd say - let's not implement this. It's a "nice to have" thing but doesn't add much power, and doesn't remove a large annoyance.


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