On Thursday, 26 January 2012 at 01:44:23 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:
Delphi: http://delphi.about.com/od/beginners/a/delphi_set_type.htm | Scroll to: "Sets with Enumerations" Sets use the smallest integer type that can hold enough bits for the number of elements in an enum. So up to 8 enum flags use a byte for example. TDaySet in the example code would also be 1 byte in size. As the syntax suggests they don't implicitly convert forth or back to integers.

vote += MAX_INT for the above suggestion which btw is also the solution in Java 5.0 which provides an EnumSet type. At the moment eums are completely broken in D and IMO they are even worse that the unsafe C counterparts. C# is a lousy example here since its design is only very slightly better than the original C semantics.

I suggest looking into the Java implementation of Enum and EnumSet types which provides both type safety and convenience.

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