Am 31.01.2012, 14:05 Uhr, schrieb Kapps <>:

Google gives you location-specific results. On a side note, I think duckduckgo is actually a fair bit nicer for this kind of stuff, as it gives you hints as to what the different things that D means is. Like, letter, language, grade, etc, and adjust search for which you select.

I get DPL and Wikipedia on D for the top two results of Google with a browser I've never used Google with. But it's still returning location specific results too and it probably has nothing location specific for D here.

I am fairly impressed by the results for 'D'. It's just right to ask the user what he/she meant exactly and not print a list of 10000000 results for everything with D in the text. In that sense it is much like the disambiguation on Wikipedia (probably inspired by that?).

What puzzles me is how they generate the one line description. It's not a copy from Wikipedia as far as I can tell. Do they have little monkeys that write descriptions for everything on the planet?

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