On 06/02/2012 13:48, Bernard Helyer wrote:
I started with Walter's original 2.01 D release. The font I'm using is 
proportional, so
I've not a problem there.

You mean "The font I'm using is fixed"?  You'd have to for it to make any sense.

But do look at the StatusPanel class in my version if you haven't already. (You'll notice that it's a bit of a hack that works because the code treats strings passed into it as immutable, although immutable doesn't exist with it being D1. Of course, when porting to D2, they would be declared as such.

Your version was also in D1, was it not? I think something
subtle may have borked. I'm sure it's fixable if I sit down and fix it, but 
seeing as it's
forbidden to languishing on my hard-drive, I'm not sure I give enough fucks to 
do that.

What do you mean by "forbidden to languishing on my hard-drive"?

BTW I've attached my list of bugs I found and changes I made. Use it as a checklist if you like (and you find the inclination to carry on working on it).

Fixed bugs
File _open_ dialog used to _save_ a file
Leaks GDI resources like crazy
Bogus highlight at end of turn
Need separate save/save as commands
        Prompt to replace
        Prompt to save on exit/new/open
Cannot find help.txt if directory has been changed e.g. when opening/saving
Immediately quits if cannot find help.txt
Status display blank after restoring from minimized
If no opponents, game doesn't respond at all (removed one-player option from UI)
Bits of status display often out of date
Starting a demo first thing causes AV
Help window cannot be scrolled by dragging the slider
Many spelling errors and out-of-date bits related to the DOS version in the 
help file

Outstanding bugs
Status display blank after opening file
Scroll bars in help window should have a page size
Save/Save As needs to be disabled when no game is active
Setting of dirty flag wants work
Takes two timeslices to increment human player's turn, but only one for 
computer player (noticeable at beginning of the game)
Change POV is unresponsive for more than two players
Asking for 5 opponents, i.e. 6 players, delivers a 5-player game
Arrow keys don't work

Interface quirks
Should scroll to scene of attack (?)
Should show blast graphic when attacking cities

Possible enhancements
Survey with mouse
Extracted some missing resource files from the exe:



Fixed filenames in clean - winemp not empire
Removed dependence on winemp.lnk, and used DMD to link so that debugging 
information can be is linked in


Set Win9x dialog style
Put the menu shortcut keys in the right place
In InitBox, fixed 'Demo' to be a checkbox
Removed option of 0 opponents from InitBox - it doesn't work and apparently 
isn't meant to
Added Save As command


Cleaned up workaround to DMD 0.86 bug in std.c.windows.windows
Fixed IDM_NEW so that cancelling works
Set correct open/save dialogs and appropriate flags
Deselected pens so that they're actually deleted, eliminating resource leaks
Create the dashed pen only once on startup
Clear filename on new game
Implemented separate Save and Save As commands
Implemented prompt to save on exit, new or open
Highlight current square only if POV player's turn (still needs some work)


Added invalidateLoc calls to update current square highlight
(works for 2 players, stuck for 3 or more)


Fixed debugging calls to non-existent functions
Added magic cursor position LOC_HIDDEN, to avoid a misleading highlight at the 
end of the player's turn
Disabled cwatch - it either does nothing or causes Empire to hang


Clear dirty flag on loss of game


Auto-detect location of exe, and look for help file there
Catch file not found error
Eliminate switch default error on pressing an invalid key


Refactored the text display engine to make more sense for D and for a GUI app.


Run through spellchecker
Removed an anachronism or two

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