On Tue, 07 Feb 2012 21:37:03 +0100, Michel Fortin <michel.for...@michelf.com> wrote:

On 2012-02-07 20:24:40 +0000, "Marco Leise" <marco.le...@gmx.de> said:

Am 07.02.2012, 21:11 Uhr, schrieb Nick Sabalausky <a@a.a>:

Is void initialization not good enough?
 IIRC it's something like:
 ubyte[] buf = void;
That gives me a) no buffer, who's pointer is b) not initialized to null. I want instead a defined pointer, to a valid array, that is initialized to zero. Anyway, I think the flaw in my proposal is the use of a GC. Since we don't get the memory directly from the operating system, but from a memory pool in the GC, it is generally 'recycled' and already used memory. It has to be zeroed out manually, unless there was a way to tell the OS to rebind some virtual memory addresses in our program to this magic 'zero page'.

What would be nice is a GC that would just track system-allocated memory blocks. What would be really great is if you could allocate a block with malloc/calloc (or something else) and later pass ownership to the GC, so that the GC calls free (or something else) when all references disappear. But I'm not sure how you can do that efficiently.

A similar idea popped up to solve non-deterministic shared library unloading
and/or mapped memory freeing.
I'm don't think though that putting additional pressure on the GC is the right
approach to resource management.

The interface would be simple for non-overlapping ranges.
void GC.trackRange(void* p, size_t sz, void delegate() finalizer)

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