On 2012-02-08 13:11, Jose Armando Garcia wrote:
On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 5:41 AM, Jacob Carlborg<d...@me.com>  wrote:
On 2012-02-08 03:29, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

Here's more ddocs.


Not terribly useful, I'll admit. The Javascript
discussion at the bottom of the first link might be
good to read though.

The dom.html there is mostly just (incomplete) method
listing. I didn't write most of it up at all.

When I started doing dom.d, I was going to be strictly
a clone of the browser implementation, so some of the
comments still say things like "extension", but I went
my own direction a long time ago.

I think a much better API, than the one browsers provide, can be created for
operating on the DOM, especially in D.

I know very little about html programming but dart did just that. It
is my understanding that they abandon JS's DOM and created their own
API: http://api.dartlang.org/html.html

It seems so. I haven't looked over the docs but it's good that someone is at least trying.

/Jacob Carlborg

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