On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 08:35:38PM -0800, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> On Thursday, February 16, 2012 22:31:18 Caligo wrote:
> > C++ has this and it makes code little more readable in certain cases:
> > 
> > if(something() or foo() and bar()){  ... }
> > 
> > instead of this in D:
> > 
> > if(something() || foo() && bar()){ ... }
> > 
> > 
> > possible enhancement request?  or is there a good reason it is not in
> > the language?
> Since when does C++ have "or" and "and"? C++ uses || and &&, just like C and 
> Java and C# and... I'm sure that there's a language somewhere whch uses "or" 
> and "and," but I've never used one that did.

You'll be surprised:


I know I was very surprised when I saw this, a few minutes ago. :)

> And I'm actually mildly shocked that anyone (at least any programmer)
> would think that "or" and "and" were more readable. The fact that
> operators aren't words is a _major_ boon to code readibility.

Well, in that case, we should replace 'in' with '∈'. Certainly,

        if (a in A) { ... }

isn't as readable as:

        if (a ∈ A) { ... }

Or, for those poor folks who can't easily type ∈, we can write it as (=:

        if (a (= A) { ... }



Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

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