On 18/02/2012 21:07, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
On 2/18/12, Nathan M. Swan<nathanms...@gmail.com>  wrote:
It would be nice if there was a mixin template that creates an
exception class that acts like this; making similar exception
classes is annoying.

It would be even nicer if we didn't need a mixin for classes that
simply forward the ctor call to the base class ctor:

class FileException : Exception { }   // no-go, have to write a ctor
that forwards to super

AIUI this has something to do with ctors not being virtual. I think
someone mentioned this could be improved one day.

I guess this is a bit off topic, but what you probably want is syntactic sugar that says "declare constructors matching all super constructors and calling through to them" and can be used in ANY class hierarchy (not necessarily exceptions). For example:

class Subtype : Supertype {
    super all;

If you want to expose just specific constructors, then there could also be a shorthand for "declare a constructor matching a specific super constructor and calling through to it" - so you don't have to repeat all the arguments. For example:

class Subtype : Supertype {

That would then make it an entirely separate issue and completely not Exception-specific.

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