"Andrei Alexandrescu" <seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org> wrote in message 
> On 2/19/12 12:49 PM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>> No, exceptions need to be based around semantics, not modules.
> Packages and modules are also organized around specific areas.

And those specific areas do NOT necessarily correspond 1-to-1 to error 

1. A module can still reasonably generate more than one conceptual type of 
exception. Ex: std.file can be expected to generate both "file not found" 
and "disk full" conditions (those may both be IO exceptions, but they're 
still separate issues that are *not* always to be dealt with the same way). 
You can argue till your keyboard wears out that you don't see the 
usefulness, but the fact is, many, many, many people DO find it useful.

2. As I *already* explained in further detail, it's perfectly reasonable to 
expect one specific area to be convered by more than module.

Therefore, "Modules" to "Conceptual types of exceptions" are not 1-to-1. 
They're not even 1-to-many or many-to-1. They're many-to-many. Therefore, 
module is the wrong basis for an exception.

Seriously, how is this not *already* crystal-clear? I feel as if every few 
weeks you're just coming up with deliberately random shit to argue so the 
rest of us have to waste our time spelling out the obvious in insanely 
pedantic detail.

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