"Adam D. Ruppe" <destructiona...@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> On Tuesday, 21 February 2012 at 22:26:34 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>> On other thing I meant to mention: It's kinda annoying on Linux how if 
>> you launch a gui app at the command line, it will
>> automatically be a blocking foreground process unless
>> you remember to add "&" at the end. Which I always forget.
> You can also hit ctrl+z in that terminal to pause the gui app,
> then hit "bg" in there to move it to the background.
> Tho it still spams the text iirc.

That hadn't occurred to me. Thanks. Normally, the only time I use fg/bg is 
if I try to cancel something with Ctrl-blah and it suspends the process 
instead of stopping it. So then I "fg [whatever num]" and either try a 
different key combo or let it finish.

But still, I'd venture to say that probably 99.9% of the times you launch a 
gui app from the command line, you don't want, or at least don't need, it to 
be blocking or spamming the console. It'd be nice if it could do like 
windows and detect "gui or cmdline" so it can automatically do the right 
thing without the user coddling it. Unfortunately I'm not sure that's 
possible since I don't think Linux binaries are flagged as "cmdline or gui" 
like in windows. It just either calls some GUI apis or it doesn't.

That reminds me of another thing (yea, I know I sounds like I'm just ranting 
on and on about Linux, but I *do* rather like it overall): What the hell is 
up with this "sudo" vs "gtksudo/kdesudo" shit? I understand that it's 
somehow necessary for the permissions/process-owner stuff to all be right, 
but why should *that* be necessary? The whole Unix philosophy is 
orthogonality, one tool to do one task well, no duplicated functionality for 
slightly-different use cases. The whole "sudo" vs "gtksudo/kdesudo" thing 
seems to be some sort of big ugly hack.

> I kinda like how linux apps keep it though. It's just so
> easy to throw in a printf() from time to time to tell something
> to me without doing a popup window or something.

Yea. I think though, that *those* cases are the ones for which there should 
be some special way of launching the process. The typical case as the 
default, the exceptional case as an option. Not the other way around.

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