Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Wednesday, February 29, 2012 02:16:12 Christopher Bergqvist wrote:
I agree that the current direction of D in this area is
impressive. However, I fail to see a killer-feature in
generating a lexer-parser generator at compile-time instead of

A run-time generator would benefit from not having to execute
within the limited CTFE environment and would always be on-par in
that respect. A compile time generator would internalize the
generation and compilation of the result (with possible
glue-code), simplifying the build process somewhat.

What am I failing to pick up on?

Well, one cool thing would be that a compiler could effectively compile itself
- or at least the lexer and parser would compile themselves. You wouldn't have
to run a program to generate them. It could be self-contained.

CTFE code can be much slower than native one, and I would like to see some kind of compiler cache for such code.

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