When logging the severity level should convey a certain insight that the developer has about the code. This can be done with a 3 bit field. These are: known-cause, known-effect and breaks-flow.

This creates the following matrix:

KC KE BF Severity
1  1  0  Trace
0  1  0  Info
1  0  0  Notice
0  0  0  Warning
1  1  1  Error
0  1  1  Critical
1  0  1  Severe
0  0  1  Fatal

A known cause is when the developer knows why a log event is made. e.g.: if you cannot open a file, you do not know why. A known effect is when he/she knows what happens after. Basically, you can tell if it is a catch-all by this flag.

When a severity should only be handled by a debugger, the normal debug statement should be used. This is in essence a 4th bit.

I hope this helpful in the search for a good level system.

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