On Fri, 02 Mar 2012 01:43:17 +0100, Geoffrey Biggs <geoffrey.bi...@aist.go.jp> wrote:

Morning all,

In a project just starting, we want to use D (for its safety, amongst other things). However, we also need to connect to distributed objects that have CORBA interfaces. I did a search, and the most recent mention of CORBA and D that I could find is a post to this list nearly 5 years ago:


The linked project is still just as empty now as it was then.

Does anyone know of any existing approaches to using CORBA from D that have perhaps appeared since then? If there isn't a direct implementation, what are the chances of using a C++ library such as omniORB from D?


There was some Thrift support in the workings if that might help you.

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