On Mar 6, 2012, at 6:29 PM, Walter Bright <newshou...@digitalmars.com> wrote:

> On 3/6/2012 5:29 PM, Chad J wrote:
>> But what do you say to the notion of isolation? someFunc is isolated from
>> riskyShenanigans becuase it /knows/ what state is touched by 
>> riskyShenanigans.
>> If riskyShenanigans does something strange and unexpected, and yes, it does 
>> have
>> a bug in it, then I feel that someFunc should be able to reset the state 
>> touched
>> by riskyShenanigans and continue.
> That's the theory. But in practice, when you get a seg fault, there's (at 
> minimum) a logical error in your program, and it is in an undefined state. 
> Since memory is all shared, you have no idea whether that error is isolated 
> or not, and you *cannot* know, because there's a logic error you didn't know 
> about.

Minor point, but some apps are designed such that segfaults are intended. I 
worked on a DB that dynamically mapped memory in the segfault handler and then 
resumed execution.  Since D is a systems languages, very few assumptions can be 
made about error conditions. 

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