On Thu, Mar 08, 2012 at 10:08:41PM +0200, Manu wrote:
> I find myself really wishing for proper multiple return values almost every
> day, particularly when I work with maths heavy code, and especially for
> efficiently returning error codes in functions I'd rather not throw from.
> Many maths-y functions return some sort of pair; intersections return (ray,
> t) or something of that type.
> I'm finding HEAPS of SIMD functions want to return pairs (unpacks in
> particular): int4 (low, hight) = unpack(someShort8);
> Currently I have to duplicate everyting: int4 low =
> unpackLow(someShort8); int4 high = unpackHigh(someShort8);
> I'm getting really sick of that, it feels so... last millennium.
> The point of 'proper' multiple return values is to return each value in
> registers, in its own register type, using exactly the same register
> assignment pattern as when passing args TO functions.
> I don't think this causes any side effects to the ABI, since the arg
> registers are already volatile across function calls in the first place.
> It just means that the returned-to function can find its return
> values already conveniently in an appropriate register, avoiding memory
> access.
> People argue I should return a tuple, but this isn't really the same, it
> has hidden implications that complicate the optimisation potential. For
> instance, tuples have an implicit structure/memory layout which can't be
> ignored, whereas return values don't have memory allocated, ie, you can't
> take the address of a return value without first assigning it to some local
> syntactically.

Couldn't you just use ref parameters? Or does the compiler turn them
into pointers?


The volume of a pizza of thickness a and radius z can be described by
the following formula: pi zz a. -- Wouter Verhelst

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