"Jonathan M Davis" <jmdavisp...@gmx.com> wrote in message 
> On Saturday, March 10, 2012 14:41:53 Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>> You know what I think it is (without actually looking at the code): I 
>> think
>> they tried to do some highly misguided and even more poorly implemented 
>> hack
>> (which they no-doubt thought was clever) for dealing with *cough* "old"
>> *cough* browsers by inserting a meta redirect to a hardcoded URL, and 
>> then
>> used JS to disable the meta redirect. If that's the case, I don't know 
>> how
>> the fuck they managed to convince themselves that make one drop of sense.
>> When I used one of my web developer plugins to disable meta redirects, 
>> the
>> screwy behavior stopped. And like you, I have JS off by default (WTF do 
>> you
>> need JS for on a goddamn *ARTICLE*?). So that's probably what the 
>> numbnuts
>> over at Dr Dobbs did.
> Well, much as _you_ hate JS, many people don't turn it off, because 
> regardless
> of how good or bad it is, enough relies on it that many would consider it 
> too
> unpleasant to try and use the web with it off. And if everyone's using it, 
> then
> there's no reason _not_ to use JS if you think that it best solves what 
> you're
> trying to do.

"Everyone" *isn't* using it (even for a non-literal usage of "everyone").
And I have it turned off because the web is not *not only* "unpleasant" with 
it *on*, but, for me, borderline unusable.

> Now, normally I wouldn't think that you'd need JS for article, and their
> particular solution may have been a bad one, but it's not like it's 
> uncommon
> for web developers

"Common" and "not stupid" are *very* different things. You're making a 
patently false assumption that the former implies the latter.

> I would think that you'd be running into problems like that all the time 
> with
> the esoteric web browsing setup that you have.

It may seem that way, but it's *much* less trouble then what I had before I 
blocked flash (with NoScript), installed AdBlock Plus, and disabled JS (also 
with NoScript). Seriously. No exaggeration. I literally *cannot* read a page 
when there's shit animating around it. You can? Other people can? Most 
people can? I don't give a fuck. Good for you.

Seriosuly, don't even think of using a "*most* people aren't like that" 
argument. Every goddamn thing about me is outside of the holy, sacred 
motherfucking "bell curve of relevence" (Ie: "If you're outside the bell 
cure, you're not relevent"), and has been for my whole goddamn life.

No more. These days, *anyone* who pulls any sort "common case vs exceptional 
case" bullshit excuse around me, for anything, can go fuck themselves.

"Join us! Be just like us! Submit! Conform!" <-- fuck the goddamn idiot 

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