On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 09:14:26PM -0500, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> "H. S. Teoh" <hst...@quickfur.ath.cx> wrote in message 
> news:mailman.447.1331426602.4860.digitalmar...@puremagic.com...
> > In the past, I've even used UserJS to *edit* the site's JS on the
> > fly to rewrite stupid JS code (like replace sniffBrowser() with a
> > function that returns true, bwahahaha) while leaving the rest of the
> > site functional.  I do not merely hate Javascript, I fight it, kill
> > it, and twist it to my own sinister ends.  >:-)
> >
> I admire that :) Personally, I don't have the patience. I just bitch
> and moan :)

Well, that was in the past. Nowadays they've smartened up (or is it
dumbened down?) with the advent of JS obfuscators. Which, OT1H, is silly
because anything that the client end can run will eventually be cracked,
so it actually doesn't offer *real* protection in the first place, and
OTOH annoying 'cos I really can't be bothered to waste the time and
effort to crack some encrypted code coming from some shady site that
already smells of lousy design and poor implementation anyway.

So I just leave and never come back to the site.

> In 1994, games had to come with their own sound/video drivers. In
> 1995, MS fixed that and there was much rejoicing.
> But in 2012:
> - Every piece of content is packaged with a pre-chosen viewer.

Blame flash. And JS.

> - If you want to use GitHub/BitBucket-style DVCS features you have to
> use whichever interface is *provided* by whoever's hosting the repo.
> BitBucket can't access GitHub-hosted repos/projects. GitHub can't
> acces BitBucket-histed repos/projects. Neither can access local or
> self-hosted repos/projects. WTF is this, 1990 all over again?

Yeah seriously. So much for "semantic web". Smells like a pipe dream to

> > "640K ought to be enough" -- Bill G., 1984. "The Internet is not a
> > primary goal for PC usage" -- Bill G., 1995. "Linux has no impact on
> > Microsoft's strategy" -- Bill G., 1999.
> I've heard that Gates never actually said that "640k" quote. (Don't
> know whether that's true or not, though :/ )

Ahh, the stuff that urban legends are made of...


The two rules of success: 1. Don't tell everything you know. -- YHL

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