On 03/11/12 02:27, Manu wrote:
> I've never seen the compiler do wildly unexpected things unless whole program 
> optimisation is enabled

The compiler can only ignore the ABI when it knows it sees the whole picture,
ie whole program, or whole unit in case of private/local functions.

> which I don't imagine D will be able to support any time real soon?

Umm, GDC supports WPO, both as LTO and "std" WPO, though i don't remember if
i ever tried the latter.
In fact, until GDC learns cross-module inlining, using these modes is the only
way to make the compiler generate sane code, w/o reverting to turning all
D functions into templates or compiling all sources together (at which point
you could just as well turn on WPO...).
Also, unit-at-a-time, which is on by default, can help.

It (gdc) still has a few LTO bugs which sometimes cause trouble, but often can
be worked around. And you may need to use the *.d runtime files (instead of 

> ...and even then, relying on WPO for the language to generate good code in 
> certain circumstances is a really really bad idea. This makes the task of 
> implementing an efficient compiler for the language extremely difficult.

There is a reason why i never even considered trying out a non-gcc-based D 
compiler... [1]

For a language like D, WPO in some form is almost required; w/o it you'd need to
always think about how the compiler will treat your code; which, while possible,
would often result in more "unnatural" and tricky solutions. (In C/C++ there's
a *.h/*.c split, which helps mitigate the problem)


[1] LLVM is possibly an option too, but i haven't yet found the time to 

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