On 03/11/12 18:45, Manu wrote:
> On 11 March 2012 18:45, Artur Skawina <art.08...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:art.08...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Other than that, there is devirtualization - D does not have 'virtual'; 
> the compiler
>     can still do it and even inline the virtual methods, but it needs to know 
> that
>     nothing overrides the functions - impossible w/o WPO for public non-final 
> classes. [1]
> virtual-by-default seems like the single biggest and most harmful _mistake_ 
> in the whole language.
> Defaulting a feature that introduces very costly damage that ONLY a WPO pass 
> can possibly un-do can only be described as insanity.

Well, there is 'final' and limiting the visibility can help too ('private' etc).

> /validating/ a method is not overridden anywhere is NOT a trivial task. Being 
> able to do this with confidence will be tedious and waste unimaginable 
> amounts of time and frustration...

CPUs won't complain and their time is relatively cheap. :)
IOW, if it can be done by the compiler then it should.

> If I were evaluating D to use commercially, this would be the biggest red 
> flag to consider. The time/efficiency costs could potentially be very high.

If it can be done automatically in C++, by looking just at the generated RTTI 
in object
files, then a similar approach should work for D. I don't think this is such a 
problem, especially compared to some things which currently are inexpressible 
in D. 

eg: http://drdobbs.com/184401938

>     > My understanding is that templates depends on .d/.di files being 
> present during compilation? So why doesn't D do inlining the same way? If I 
> declare some inline function in a .d/.di file, surely it should be capable of 
> inlining?
>     > C/C++ can't inline something from a foreign object either without a 
> definition in a header...
>     It's the same for D, I just don't think *.di files should be necessary 
> for _internal_
>     cross-module interfaces, or when the full source is available anyway.
>     Currently, cross-module inlining is a problem for GDC, but even when 
> that's fixed,
>     WPO will help things like devirtualization or changing calling 
> conventions (gcc does
>     it already, but i don't know if it clones non-local functions just for 
> this, when not
>     in WPO mode).
> So assuming that most libraries will be closed source, what's the implication 
> here for inlines and tempaltes long term? It sounds no different than .h 
> files.
> Is there a plan to be able to store that metadata inside lib/object files 
> somehow? (I assume not, if there was, why need .di files at all)

Well, if you distribute your library as closed source, you can't expect compile 
optimizations to work across the app/lib boundary - you can't both have the 
cake and
eat it. Note you *can* add enough information to the object files so that the 
can do a better job -- simply by compiling your library with LTO enabled. While 
effectively turns closed-source into obfuscated-source, it's possible to do this
selectively on a by unit basis - which can be acceptable in some situations.
And if your closed-source library exports non-final classes you may not really 
devirtualization; marking certain members as final would probably be good idea 
So *.di files work the same as *.h -- you only have to expose the API and can 
add as
much extras as you can/want.


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