On 3/11/2012 2:51 PM, bearophile wrote:
And sometimes, a name change can be a huge win - the invariant=>immutable
one is an example. But I think that's an exceptional case, not a rule.

I was among the ones that have asked for that name change. But "immutable" is
a quite long word. Now I think the "val" used by Scala is better, it uses
less space for something I use often enough. "imm" is another option, but it
looks less nice :-)

The reason we went with "immutable" is for any other name, I'd be constantly explaining:

    "xyzzy" means immutable

And I did just that for "invariant". Over and over and over. People immediately get what "immutable" means, like for no other name. So consider "immutable" a labor saving device for me.

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