On 12-03-2012 00:54, Walter Bright wrote:
Consider the toHash() function for struct key types:


And of course the others:

const hash_t toHash();
const bool opEquals(ref const KeyType s);
const int opCmp(ref const KeyType s);

They need to be, as well as const, pure nothrow @safe.

The problem is:
1. a lot of code must be retrofitted
2. it's just plain annoying to annotate them

It's the same problem as for Object.toHash(). That was addressed by
making those attributes inheritable, but that won't work for struct ones.

So I propose instead a bit of a hack. toHash, opEquals, and opCmp as
struct members be automatically annotated with pure, nothrow, and @safe
(if not already marked as @trusted).

It may be a hack, but you know, those have special semantics/meanings in the first place, so is it really that bad? Consider also that contract blocks are now implicitly const, etc.

- Alex

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