I have a pending pull request <https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/d-programming-language.org/pull/98> which adds an "Improve this page" button to the upper right corner all pages on the website. From the pull request description: "It essentially turns the website into a moderated wiki. How it works is for each page it links to a special URL on GitHub that will offer to fork the repository, open an online text editor, and create a pull request in one easy process."

It's meant for simple changes (typos, rewording stuff, minor bugs in code examples, etc.). I got the idea after using the GitHub online editor myself to make website and Phobos documentation change pull requests and finding it to be very easy way to contribute. Even people who are unfamiliar with git can use it.

Andrei seemed to like it when I showed him but asked me to get Walter and whoever else's opinions on it before he'd be willing to merged it.

You can try a live demo here: http://gnuk.net/d/index.html

Clicking the button will open the appropriate file in an editor on GitHub. Feel free to click the button to see what the editor is like. Nothing happens until you choose to submit your changes at which point it lets you enter a pull request description, then it finally makes the request.

This would probably have been difficult to implement if it weren't for Ddoc so +1 for Ddoc.

Brad Anderson

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