On Friday, 16 March 2012 at 14:26:19 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

The test uses a specific data structure, an indexed contiguous array. To conclude from here that C++ is faster than D is quite a stretch.


In fact the claim is no longer true. I pulled down their latest build and tested with a large Alice (duplicated many times to get it up to measureable consistently). I used the library stopwatch measurements for each. The results come out about the same ... theirs is a few msec faster on 10MB of input with their optimizations for speed turned on. This is on a win7-64 corei7 box, but compiling for 32 bit with msvc for their code.

this is for upp, 4193 build
     lines      words      bytes file
    224160    1825140   10050960 alice2.txt
time: 93 ms
skey: zip sval: 60
map size;3482

this is for d 2.058
     lines      words      bytes file
    224160   1825140  10050960 alice2.txt
time: 97 ms
skey: zip sval: 60
dictionary length:3482

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