On Friday, 16 March 2012 at 14:26:19 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 3/16/12 8:39 AM, Jay Norwood wrote:
On Friday, 16 March 2012 at 13:20:39 UTC, Jay Norwood wrote:

btw, the u++ page claims in the link below to be faster than D by 70% on some operations, which they attribute to their STL rewrite. Maybe
someone should take a look at what they've done. Or maybe this
comparison is out of date...


The test uses a specific data structure, an indexed contiguous array. To conclude from here that C++ is faster than D is quite a stretch.


Ok, but maybe the the upp arrayMap is pretty efficient for certain things ... by their benchmarks 4x faster than STL on whatever they were doing. I tried rewriting the D example code, and upp is consistently a bit faster when running on a single core.

A D std.parallelism library rewrite of the example runs about 2x faster than the current upp example code on a corei7 box, if you give it several files to work on. The execution doesn't scale as much as I expected, probably because the dictionary gets duplicated in the parallel case, while the single thread just increments counts in the same dictionary.

I believe the TDPL book mentioned some research on non-locking, shared memory containers, but I didn't see anything documented in the D libraries. There is the workerLocalStorage area ... but it wouldn't help with the problem of the dictionary getting duplicated in this case. It look like there would be a reduce step required to merge the dictionary counts at the end.

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