On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 7:29 PM, Andrej Mitrovic <andrej.mitrov...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> On 2/11/12, Andrej Mitrovic <andrej.mitrov...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > The D classes
> > are not yet generated until I get wxc done, but wxc is 95% of the
> > source of difficulty. Generating wxd should be easy after that.
> Sorry for the long wait. Turns out I was *extremely* wrong about this.
> Generating the D side turned out to be a hell of a lot more work then
> I initially thought (mostly due to C++ and D type incompatibilities
> and scoping issues).
> I could have tried to generate SWIG interfaces, however I wasn't
> impressed with wxPython which used thousands of lines of hand-crafted
> interfaces. I'm also really not sure just how stable SWIG is for D,
> especially for a large library like wxD. And then I saw that the new
> wxPython codebase (the Phoenix project) uses over 11000 lines of
> manually edited files that help the SIP generator do its work. I find
> maintaining 11K lines of code to be a huge burden, so I stayed away
> from that codebase alltogether. I want as much code to be
> autogenerated as possible. Note that I didn't base my codgenerator on
> wxPhp either, that codebase is very specific to php and so I've had to
> go from scratch. I've initially used wxPhp just to figure out which
> xml info I had to extract (I'm extracting a lot more info now compared
> to wxPhp).
> I've recently had a major refactoring of the autogenerator to make it
> easier to generate wxd. However I have to re-edit the wxc generator
> due to this new refactor (it shouldn't be too much work). On the
> upside of things the autogenerator can now generate around 85000 lines
> of compileable D code (that's the actual wxD library). That's around
> 300 files and 643 classes that compile. This is not linkable yet,
> since wxc has to be recreated again. Another cool statistic is that
> generating all of this takes about 4 seconds. (I can regenerate
> individual files as well which only takes a split second). The xml
> parser is a bit slow right now and takes some ~24 seconds to parse
> around 1500 XML files. This can be optimized later. But it too can
> re-parse single classes/headers which takes only a split second to do.
> So now I'm starting to work on wxc generation again. Once that's done,
> I have to test linking between wxd and wxc. Then, I have to fix any
> runtime segfaults I might run into (there's bound to be a few codegen
> issues). Once I have a few wxD samples working on the major platforms,
> I'll release an alpha of wxD (+ the codegenerator) and then we can
> start testing the library more thoroughly before any official release.
> So, stay tight! Good times ahead. :)

As a heavy user of wxWidgets (in C++) I'm very excited about this.  I'll
definitely be one of your alpha testers when it comes out.

Could the wxc generator be be used as a base for building bindings for
other libraries? How about the XML D generator?

Brad Anderson

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