On Sunday, 18 March 2012 at 10:38:19 UTC, Tove wrote:
On Sunday, 18 March 2012 at 10:25:20 UTC, F i L wrote:
F i L wrote:
class CoolClass
   mixin Attribute!("int", "a", "Cool", "Heh");
   mixin Attribute!("int", "b", "Cool", "Sup");

void main()
   auto c = new CoolClass();
   writeln(c.a, ", ", c.b); // 0, 0
   writeln(c.a_Cool().s); // Heh
   writeln(c.b_Cool().s); // Sup

Is it not possible to alias a mixin to just one letter, and then use it to have any syntax we want... something like this:

x("@attribute(Serializable.yes) int a");

Sure, but there's still the issue of using attributes for codegen. For instance compare:

    struct Test {
        @GC.NoScan int value;

to, the current:

    struct Test {
        int value;
        this() { GC.setAttr(&value, NO_SCAN); }

How can we do that with mixin templates? If attributes where a language type the compiler could exploit in a consistent way, It would be *trivial* describing this behavior in a declarative way.

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