On 3/18/2012 2:58 PM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
Ok, now to the user defined attribute:

@attribute class NonSerialized {} // This is what's called a "marker" in Java.
It doesn't contain any information, the information is the type itself.

@attribute class SerializeAs
string value;

class Base
int x;
@SerializeAs(foo) int y;
@NonSerialized int c;

@NonSerialized class Sub : Base
int z;

Base sub = new Sub;

In this example the user defined attribute "NonSerialized" indicates that the
class shouldn't be serialized. When the serializer is serializing "sub" the
compile time type will be "Base" therefore it would need to use runtime
reflection to also serialize the fields added in the subclass "Sub". To check if
the object should be serialized the serializer need to be able to access user
defined attributes using runtime reflection.

I'm sorry, I find this *massively* confusing. What is foo? Why are you serializing something marked "NonSerialized"? I really have no idea what is going on with this. What is the serialize() function? How does any of this tell you how to serialize an int? How is Base.c also a NonSerialized with c in a superclass of it?


Maybe this is why I don't much care for attributes - it's all just a fog to me what is happening.

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