A question was asked on the d-learn forum about why this throws a

        int[string][int] map;

This is understandable, since the compiler translates the second line to:


Since map["abc"] doesn't exist yet, opIndex throws RangeError before we
ever get to the ++.

I'd like to propose the following fix: if a given chained indexing
expression has any operator applied to its final result (either a unary
operator like ++ or --, or an assignment operator like +=), then instead
of translating previous indexes into opIndex, the compiler should map it
to a new operator overload, say opIndexCreate, which creates the
relevant entry with default value if it doesn't exist yet. That is to


should be translated to:


where opIndexCreate looks something like:

        Slot opIndexCreate(Key k) {
                Slot *s = findSlot(k);
                if (s is null) {
                        s = createNewSlot(k);
                return s;

Similar changes should be made for expressions like a[b][c][d]=100, or

In other words, if the tail of a chain of indexing operations maps to
opIndexAssign, opIndexUnary, or opIndexOpAssign, then all preceding
opIndex calls should be converted to opIndexCreate instead.



One Word to write them all, One Access to find them, One Excel to count them 
all, And thus to Windows bind them. -- Mike Champion

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