On Thursday, 22 March 2012 at 15:53:56 UTC, Sean Kelly wrote:
I can see adapting the API so that each thread has a default message queue (keep in mind that we'll be adding interprocess messaging at some point via the same routines). I'm not yet clear how the existence of alternate message queues could be communicated to other portions of the code though. register() is one way I suppose. Really what's happening here is that Tid is being replaced by a queue ID, not extended with a mutable variable.

I think they would be passed as parameters to spawn or received from the default message queue.

I guess Tid would become an alias for the Qid created when a thread is spawned. What I really don't want though, is for receive() to operate on a message queue created in a different thread. Messaging would become substantially slower if receive() had to be synchronized.

That's a drawback I haven't considered. To solve this, it would be made part of the contract that receiving must all be done in one thread.

I can't think of a use where receiving in multiple threads would apply, but if it would, a SynchronizedMessageQueue subclass could easily be drawn up that broadens the contract and synchronizes for receive().

BTW, how do you unittest just the std.concurrency module?

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