On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 11:17:47PM +0100, Stewart Gordon wrote:
> On 26/03/2012 02:18, dnewbie wrote:
> >Just out of curiosity, is D attracting new users? Are the old
> >users running? Place your vote here
> >http://www.easypolls.net/poll.html?p=4f6fb7e5e4b04f389e5eb66f
> I see that the numbers are almost evenly balanced between the four
> categories.  But does this really mean that we've attracted more
> people in the last two years than in all earlier years combined, or
> that an awful lot of old-timers have left?

That would be cause of great concern.

Are the D1 people still around?


This is not a sentence.

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