On Friday, 30 March 2012 at 22:28:40 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 11:17:47PM +0100, Stewart Gordon wrote:
On 26/03/2012 02:18, dnewbie wrote:
>Just out of curiosity, is D attracting new users? Are the old
>users running? Place your vote here

I see that the numbers are almost evenly balanced between the four categories. But does this really mean that we've attracted more people in the last two years than in all earlier years combined, or
that an awful lot of old-timers have left?

That would be cause of great concern.

Are the D1 people still around?


Some of us are -- though I don't know how many are actually still "D1 people" per se... I'd say most have made the jump by now. What I feel from the numbers is simply that we have a mostly steady rate of community growth.

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