Le 30/03/2012 21:33, Andrei Alexandrescu a écrit :
On 3/30/12 1:39 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
However, I'm very nervous about the second part. e.g. std.sort instead of
std.algorithm.sort seems like a bad idea to me. It increases the odds
of name
conflicts for little benefit.


Not to mention, it'll make it a lot more confusing
to find what modules stuff is actually in if people start doing stuff


In the case of sort, you may know where it's from - particularly since
it's so
common - but the less well-known the function is, the less likely that
is at
all obvious where it comes from, and if you're dealing with 3rd party
software, then it wouldn't be at all obvious. For instance, how would
you know
that party.foo is really party.bar.foo? You wouldn't.

Why should you?

Being so lax about
importing could really harm code readibility (and maintainibility,
since it
increases the odds of name clashes). So, I'm inclined to say that that
is a
_bad_ idea.

Maybe if you produce a solid example, I'd be convinced.


You are reversing the logic. It have to be shown that it is not a problem to do the change. The other way around is flawed logic.

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