On Fri, 30 Mar 2012 17:45:36 -0400, Michel Fortin
<michel.for...@michelf.com> wrote:

On 2012-03-30 14:46:19 +0000, Andrei Alexandrescu <seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org> said:


Since you're asking…

One thing the current system avoids is unresolvable symbols. If two symbol name clashes, you just qualify them fully and it'll always be unambiguous. For instance:


Now, if std.algorithm becomes both a module and a package, you could have both a sort function and a sort submodule with no way to distinguish between the two, even when fully qualified. I think this is why D does not allow modules to have the same name as packages.

I understand that you try to work around this problem by inventing a .std.algorithm.package scope. Then you make it's content imported automatically inside the .std.algorithm scope for backward compatibility (and convenience). The problem is that if .std.algorithm.package contains a sort function and there is also a module called std.algorithm.sort, the fully-qualified name of that 'sort' module will become ambiguous. Moreover, whether the fully-qualified name .std.algorithm.sort is ambiguous or not depends on what modules were imported, which is not a very desirable behaviour.

So this becomes an error.  I don't see this as a major problem.  Just
don't name a module sort inside std/algorithm.

This is no different than ambiguous templates, which are allowed until you
want to instantiate one.


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