On 03/04/12 07:38, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
Regarding this:


I submit that nested functions should be exempt from the usual sequential
visibility rules. (Therefore, mutually recursive nested functions would
become possible.)

Or at the very *least*, this horrific C-like workaround should be possible:

void foo()
     void b();
     void a() {...};
     void b() {...};

...Flame away! ;)

The most flexible method is to declare a local, nested struct. Any member functions (and variables!) of that struct have non-sequential semantics, so they can forward reference each other just fine.

void foo()
    struct Local
        static void a() { b(); }
        static void b() { };

If they need to access stack variables, you'll need to create an actual instance of the struct. You can make it a static struct if they don't need access to any stack variables of foo.

Note that this completely sidesteps all the nasty issues I mentioned in other posts.

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