I think this proposal should be merged with Johannes' one.

On 04/06/2012 11:41 AM, Johannes Pfau wrote:
Declaring a custom attribute:
module std.something;

struct Author
    string name;
    public this(string name)
        this.name = name;

Using it:
import std.something; //Usual namespace lookup rules apply to attributes

 * @Author(param) calls the constructor of the Author struct and
 * attaches the struct instance to test. Probably @Author (without
 * parenthesis) coud be made to mean std.something.Author.init
@Author("Johannes Pfau") int test;

Attaching attributes multiple times as in C# should be possible.

Using reflection to get that attribute:
if(__traits(hasAttribute, test, std.something.Author))
    Author[] authors = __traits(getAttribute, test,

An array is used here to support attaching the same attribute multiple
times. Of course "auto authors = ..." should be usable here too.

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