On 2012-04-28 23:42, Peter Alexander wrote:

Here's my list:

- Properties. They add no value and just start pointless discussions
about what should and shouldn't be a property.

- UFCS. It's just sugar, but adds complexity.

- const/immutable/inout/shared/pure. These add massive complexity to the
language for little (IMO) benefit. When I do multi-threading, I usually
have to resort to casting. Maybe these will improve with time.

- opDispatch. I think it just promotes sloppy, obfuscated code for minor
syntactical benefit. Member access through pointers should require ->
like in C++ so that you can overload it for smart pointer/reference ADTs.

That's all I can think of for now.

I love all these features beside the attributes.

/Jacob Carlborg

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