On 4/29/12, David Nadlinger <s...@klickverbot.at> wrote:
> As for r"", every time I
> actually need WysiwigString, I use backticks, because such
> strings often contain quotes anyway.

IIRC I think the reason for this might be that some keyboards don't
have the backtick key, or something like that.

> Regarding TokenString(i.e.
> q{}) .. The problem is that
> can't just »interrupt« q{}s strings to do something like
> »q{…} ~ identifierName ~ q{…}«,

I typically use format for these purposes, e.g.:
string x = format(q{
void %s() { }
}, "foo");

Works fairly well for me.

>   - Concatenation of adjacent strings: Also an anti-feature, imho.


>   - »Short« floating point literals like .4 instead of 0.4 and
> 4. instead of 4.0 – the saved characters are not worth the
> syntax special cases, especially w.r.t. UFCS.

I think those are already deprecated? Or they're about to be anyway.

>   - shared: TLS by default is great, but only __gshared is really
> usable right now.

Yep, and Phobos doesn't deal with shared all that well either. E.g.
format() doesn't work on shared variables

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