On Monday, April 30, 2012 01:41:45 bearophile wrote:
> Walter:
> > What's your list?
> This thread now has something like 240 answers (and probably few
> more will come), and despite some variability in the answers, we
> have seen several recurring patterns too. So what are the
> conclusions, take-home insights, and the to-do's to make
> something in practice, from Walter & Andrei?

Honestly, I don't think that you _can_ take much from this thread other than 
the fact that pretty _every_ feature is wanted and used by someone, even if 
other people hate it. Pretty much every feature listed as undesirable by 
someone was listed as desirable by someone else.

As for TODOs, the impression that I got from Walter's post was that he wanted 
to know what people thought out of curiosity or just for "lessons learned" 
from the design process of D and not that he was really looking to remove 
anything from the language. So, I don't think that it was ever his intention 
to create a TODO list from this (though I could be wrong). There may be some 
minor things that get changed (such as making it so that adjacent string 
literals don't get automatically concatenated), but I don't think that D is 
really going to have any of its features removed at this point.

- Jonathan M Davis

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