Am 07.05.2012 15:27, schrieb Paulo Pinto:
I like the idea, need to check what information I could provide.

Wirth's books about Oberon also provide similar information.


"dennis luehring" wrote in message news:jo85t1$1n9b$

Am 07.05.2012 07:53, schrieb Paulo Pinto:
I really really think that mankind did a wrong turn when C won over
in the 80's.

And that Wirth somehow lost interest in the industry and did not try
to push
Modula-* or Oberon. There are some papers where he states this.

Now we suffer from

- daggling pointers
- buffer overflows
- pre-historic compiler toolchains

With luck, Spec#, Go or more nicely D, will put us back on track.

we should collect all the advantages of turbo pascal/delphi
object-file-formats and make a small description post to show others in
a clear understandable way how good/and longlife these technics are

so the unit-system (turbo pascal: .pas -> .tpu, delphi: .pas->.dcu, free
pascal: .pas -> ppu), the tpumover, ppumover for tpl or ppl libraries,
the dll delphi solution .bpl

and the advantage of controling the output of source inside the source
program -> exe, unit -> object, library -> dynamic libray etc.

any ideas how to start?

Description of the Free Pascal unit format

How the dump command works

The source code of the ppudump utility


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