On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 09:15:40PM +0200, Kiith-Sa wrote:
> >gl3n would be a good candidate for a standard vector/matrix library,
> >the big feature missing is intrinsics support (aka SSE,AltiVec,VMX
> >and Neon vector operations)
> Again, there's a confusion between game-oriented and science-oriented
> linear algebra library.
> gl3n is game oriented.
> I would like to have both in Phobos, though.

That's what I was trying to get at: we need a common interface for both.
Things like matrix/vector types should be interoperable between the two
kinds of libraries.

I work with more science-oriented (or rather math-oriented) linear
algebra, but interoperability with 3D acceleration, for example, would
be a very nice thing (for math visualization, etc.).

> But I still think there's more need to fix containers and streams and
> to have allocators in Phobos. (My D:YAML project can't go stable
> without stable streams, for instance).

Yeah, I'm eagerly awaiting the day std.io is integrated into Phobos.


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