On Saturday, 12 May 2012 at 06:19:37 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

I do have to say that I find it somewhat funny that this is your set of requirements for an IDEA and yet "integrated debugger" is in the "some 'nice to have' features" section. Doesn't an IDE _have_ to have an integrated debugger or it's only a code editor (since it lacks the whole integrated part
of Integrated Development Environment).

- Jonathan M Davis

Indeed, and Timon forgot the best feature of IDEs for bytecode compilers imho: they compile in the background, so that errors are detected while you type. There is no annoying "write-correct" cycle as compile-time errors are shown in real time. That's a *huge* productivity boost. It's actually better than with interpreted or scripted languages, because once you've finished writing code, it will run ! Basically, with modern IDEs, the productivity with languages like Java/C# is comparable to Python.

Background compiling shouldn't be too hard to implement for an editor, I guess: run the compiler in background on the current module every other second (or only when a set of simple syntaxic conditions like parentheses/accolades matching are matched, conditions which can easily be checked by the editor itself), and display the error messages in semi real time on screen where they appear.

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