As you may recall, we have three GSoC 2012 projects for which full-bore coding starts tomorrow:

1. Extended Unicode Support by Dmitry Olshansky
2. Mono-D by Alex Bothe
3. Removing the gc lock from common allocations in D by Antti-Ville Tuunainen.

We have a solid staff of mentors, but the larger community could add a lot of value to the projects in the way of giving guidance to the students, providing feedback, and such. To make this easier, I created three mailing lists for the respective projects above:

These lists will carry traffic related to student-mentors communication.

If you'd like to help these projects or simply stay current with what's going on, please send me email ( and I will subscribe you to the list(s) of interest to you.

I should add that the nature of communication on these lists is different from the normal newsgroup exchange. Please refrain from off-topic discussions, tangential debates, and generally anything that is not directly intended to help the students do a good job on the projects.



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