I spreaded the word. This article is great and I 100% agree with it :D

The article says:

There are a few things I miss in D. For example pattern recognition on unpacking data, which is great in Haskell, Erlang, and Scala (see example [ ]).<

The author of that article has missed that D lacks something much simpler than pattern matching, and even more commonly useful. Currently in D you have to write something like:

int[2][] directions = [[-1, 0], [1, 0], [0, -1], [0, 1]];
foreach (sx_sy; directions) {
    immutable sx = sx_sy[0];
    immutable sy = sx_sy[1];
    // code that uses sx and sy

While a less clunky language allows you to unpack them better, something like:

auto directions = [tuple(-1, 0), tuple(1, 0), tuple(0, -1), tuple(0, 1)];
foreach (immutable (sx, sy); directions) {
    // code that uses sx and sy

If you use tuples, you want to unpack them often, it's a basic operation on tuples.


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