On 23.05.2012 14:10, bearophile wrote:

Why not? Fixed-sized arrays are similar to tuples with uniform types.
Unpacking short arrays in the same way you unpack tuples *very handy*
and it's commonly done in both Python and Haskell (and probably in other
languages too):

I'd rather see common structure/static array expansion. Then returning struct will be as powerful as multiple value return. The latter can be added sometime later, since tuple is just a plain struct.

I expect some form of pattern matching a-la Ecma Script 6 (yeah, I know but idea itself is good).

My proposal the is following using a.{ ... } syntax to unpack:

Record r = ...;
auto a, b, c = r.{ first, third, some_other_field };//a=r.first, b=r.third, c = r.some_other_field

With tuples:
auto a, b, c = r.{};//a = r[0], b = r[1], c = r[2]
auto a, b, c = r.{0, 2, 4}; // a = r[0], b = r[2], c = r[4]

With arrays, exactly the same as tuples:
auto a, b, c = r.{0, 2, 4}; // a = r[0], b = r[2], c = r[4]

Tuples with named fields can work in both named and indexed "modes". Indexes must be a valid CT-constant.

More over we then have nested unpacking syntax:

auto x, i = r.{ something, nested_thing.{ precious_secret} };
//x = r.something, i = r.nested_thing.precious_secret

The same with just about any expression:

auto point = (a+b()).{ x, y };
//even better - point is now Tuple!(<type of x>, "x", <type of y>, "y")

Summarizing it all.

For single left-side variable the rewrite of expression is:
auto __tmp = <expr>, tuple(__tmp.<spec_1>, __tmp.<spec_2>);

For multiple left-side the rewrite of the whole statement is:
auto __tmp = <expr>, __1st = __tmp.<spec_1>, __2nd = __tmp.<spec_2> ...;

Where spec_x is constructed from:

root_0.{ ... root_1.{ .. root_n.{ var_x ... } ... } ... }


If some var_k/root_k happens to be CT index the rewrite is ...[root_k]... or ...[var_k]..

So far I think it's the closest thing to multiple value return with natural syntax. It also brings concise syntax for a common general propose task.

Dmitry Olshansky

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