On 29-05-2012 01:24, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Tuesday, May 29, 2012 01:11:49 Alex Rønne Petersen wrote:
I have no idea how synchronized classes work; they are not a documented
feature of the language. We have synchronized functions which
synchronize on the this reference. Perhaps synchronized classes just
make all functions in a class do this.

Per TDPL, having individually synchronized functions is illegal. Either all
of the functions in a class are synchronized or none of them are. Putting
synchronized on a function should actually be illegal. It belongs only on
classes or in synchronized blocks, never on functions.

Now, unfortuntately, I don't believe that the compiler enforces any of that
right now, so you end up synchronizing indivdual functions rather than whole
classes, but the synchronized functions themselves should function the same.

Either way, this is a fundamental language design fallacy. This is
anti-pattern number one when it comes to locking:

* http://stackoverflow.com/a/251668/438034
* http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms173179.aspx (The lock and
SyncLock Keywords section)

Well, then you should probably be arguing about the design of synchronized
classes/functions rather than synchronized(this). However, given the design of
synchronized classes, synchronized(this) would probably never be appropriate.
If you're using a synchronized class, then you don't need it. And if you're
not using a synchronized class, then you shouldn't be synchronizing your
class. I would definitely think that synchronized blocks should synchronize on
something else, since they're trying to lock a much smaller area than an
entire class.

- Jonathan M Davis

I don't think arguing about them makes sense at this point. Way too much code would break if we changed the semantics. I'd consider it a mistake and a lesson learned, rather.

But I take it you agree that synchronized (this) and similar "uncontrollable" synchronization blocks should be avoided?

Alex Rønne Petersen

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